Free GED Classes
Erlanger Branch
Instructor: Alex Duvall
Call to Register: 859-442-1166
GED Testing
Covington Branch
Register: GED.com
Testing FAQ
You can use the Pearson Vue test preparation page to get ready for your test.
Brush up on your GED study skills 24/7 with two of our online resources. Gale Courses has an instructor-led 24-hour GED test prep class. Learning Express features a full GED Test Prep Center. The Test Prep Center offers study materials, practice tests, and even a complete section in Spanish. Both are free with your KCPL library card. Visit the A-Z Guide to access these resources and more.
We proctor GED and Pearson Vue tests.
Yes, we have free GED classes at the Erlanger location.
Free GED Classes
Erlanger Branch
Instructor: Alex Duvall
Call to Register: 859-442-1166 -
Register for GED Testing
Getting your GED high school diploma unlocks a world of opportunities for you. If you didn’t get the chance to graduate high school, and you’d like to get started, the Kenton County Public Library is the place for you.
We work closely with Kenton County Adult Education, known as Skills U, to offer free GED prep and training.
Free GED Classes:
Kentucky Adult Education offers drop-in GED prep and training at our Erlanger branch on Mondays & Wednesdays 4-7pm. Check with Alex Duvall at the Kenton County Adult Education office for an appointment or more information: 859.442.1166 or alex.duvall@kctcs.edu.
Brush up on your GED study skills 24/7 with two of our online resources. Gale Courses has an instructor-led 24-hour GED test prep class. Learning Express features a full GED Test Prep Center. The Test Prep Center offers study materials, practice tests, and even a complete section in Spanish. Both are free with your KCPL library card. Visit the A-Z Guide to access these resources and more.
GED Testing:
The Covington Branch offers GED testing. Register via GED.com or work with Kentucky Adult Education to take your test. Testing is offered Thursdays 10am-6pm and the third Saturday of the month from 10am-1:30pm.
Library staff are able to proctor other types of tests, time permitting. Please check with the Information Desk at your local branch for more information.
Contact John Graham at the Covington Branch for more information: john.graham@kentonlibrary.org or 859.962.4076.
Additional GED Prep:
KET’s FastForward is a comprehensive, online high school equivalency study system offering instruction in the four test subject areas: Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.
FastForward is fully compatible with mobile devices, both phones and tablets, and includes accessibility features such as text to speech, background color customization and multi-language translation.
For learners, both independent and those enrolled in programs, we feature individualized and customized study plans and interactive lessons that meet diverse learning styles.